
  • Carolina Andrada-Zurita Universidad Nacional del Sur – Argentina



Espacio, Memoria, Argentina, Lefebvre, Ley 26.691


This paper addresses the notion of "Memory Site" linked to the concepts of space and memory respectively. The structure of the work is constituted in four sections. In the first, the relationship between space and memory is described, incorporating the contributions of Lefebvre (2013) with its distinction between perceived, conceived and lived space, framed in the production process of urban space. In the second section, the main points of the legislation of memory spaces in Argentina are noted, that is, about the National Law 26.691. The third section describes the process of recovery of former clandestine detention centres (ex-CCD), that is, the marking and recovery of places where acts of repression, torture and extermination were carried out. Finally, the fourth section focuses on the recovery work as a Memory Site, of the former clandestine detention center "La escuelita" in Bahía Blanca. Regarding the methodology used in this work, we must point out that it is qualitative and conceptual descriptive. For its part, the data collection technique consisted in the documentary analysis of the selected bibliography, that is, in the reading and classification of existing documents and available around the topic addressed. Among the main results we should mention that the relationship between space and memory is of great relevance for human groups by allowing to frame their collective memories space-temporarily, constituting in turn, their identity as a social group. It also highlights the need to demarcate those places that functioned as clandestine detention centres and in which various human rights violations were carried out, from the material to the temporary point of view, to know where the actions put under analysis begin and end. Another of the results highlighted is the need to give new functions to Memory Spaces, to promote and defend Human Rights, as well as, the testimonial value that Memory Sites possess, by understanding a great contribution to judicial investigations. As regards the findings, two points stand out mainly in this investigation. On the one hand, the need to carry out the marking and recognition of memory sites to help highlight the value of democracy and the exercise of citizens' rights, in a safe and free manner. On the other hand, the need to support, promote and defend human rights, in view of a better future for our society.


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Author Biography

Carolina Andrada-Zurita, Universidad Nacional del Sur – Argentina

Licenciada en Filosofía (Universidad Nacional del Sur, Argentina). Correo Electrónico: [email protected]


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How to Cite

Andrada-Zurita, C. (2023). ESPACIO Y MEMORIA EN ARGENTINA. DE LEFEBVRE A LA REGULACIÓN NORMATIVA NACIONAL. La Saeta Universitaria Académica Y De Investigación, 12(2), 53–69.